The Founding Story of CodeTogether: From Humble Beginnings to Transformative Innovation

At CodeTogether, our journey began as a spark of collaboration and innovation, and it has evolved into a mission-driven effort to redefine how engineering teams work together. As we celebrate doubling the size of our team—quite the leap from where we stood just 10 months ago—we reflect on our roots and the strides we've made.

A Vision Born from Collaboration
Our story began with a team of technologists passionate about improving software development teamwork. Our founder, who gained valuable experience at Cisco Systems working on the foundational “plumbing of the internet,” directed that expertise toward enhancing collaboration. Over time, the team honed its skills at Genuitec—a company focused on delivering high-quality development tools—where strong bonds were formed and a shared vision took shape.
Building on a foundation of long-standing collaboration, CodeTogether was launched as an independent entity. Led by our founder, Tim Webb, alongside Alison Silverstein and supported by talented contributors like Wojtek, Ignacio, and Bartek, they brought their camaraderie, refined skills, and unwavering focus on scalable, impactful solutions into this new chapter.
Timing and Serendipity
CodeTogether launched its initial offering—a live pair programming and collaboration platform—debuted just two weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic upended the world. As remote work became the norm, our tool gained traction, quickly amassing half a million users.
While we could have capitalized financially during this period, we made the moral decision to offer our solution for free. It was a challenging time globally, and we wanted to support developers adjusting to remote work without adding financial strain. Though some might say we missed a significant opportunity, this decision reflects the values that continue to drive us.
Expanding Horizons: Enter the Intelligence Suite
While we were pivoting to build the HQ Intelligence Suite—a platform leveraging AI and machine learning to deliver actionable insights that enhance team productivity and quality—Alison joined the team and brought valuable business expertise. This new direction allowed us to focus on customer value, refining the user experience to make our powerful tools more accessible and impactful.
Over the past year, we prioritized targeted deployments, working closely with select customers like MultiPlan. The results? A staggering 48% increase in development time and 59% increase in issue throughput, translating into millions of dollars in value for their organization. These successes validated our approach and set the stage for scaling our solutions across larger engineering teams.
Building the Future
Today, we’re growing rapidly, attracting exceptional talent to help us take CodeTogether to the next level. We remain laser-focused on delivering value to our customers, enhancing how they perceive and benefit from our tools. Our top priority is creating intuitive, powerful interfaces that make it easier for engineering teams to unlock their full potential.
As we look ahead, we’re committed to continuing this journey with the same spirit of innovation and collaboration that brought us here. CodeTogether isn’t just about tools; it’s about transforming the way teams work, empowering them to achieve more together.
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CodeTogether integrates directly into your existing process so there's no need to change the way you work.