CodeTogether Live :: Teams

Live share IDEs and coding sessions.
Built for teams.

Dive right in with a 30-day free trial!

Z Cross-IDE support for
VS Code  IntelliJ  Eclipse

Z Guests join from Browser or IDE

Z End-to-end source encryption

Available as a standalone module or in the CodeTogether HQ Intelligence Suite.

CodeTogether Teams: Across IDEs and browsers

The #1 Tool for Diverse Development Teams

When development teams work together, quality goes up and time to market goes down. CodeTogether is the leader in cross-IDE code collaboration.

  • Host in VS Code, IntelliJ, or Eclipse*
  • Join from your own IDE or a browser
  • Host controls access privileges
  • Share servers, terminals, and consoles
  • Run remote unit tests and launches
  • Audio, video, text chat and screen sharing
  • Code alone or with a group
  • Same-file simultaneous editing

Perfect for All Kinds of Teams

No two teams look alike. Regardless of how your team chooses to collaborate, CodeTogether Teams can help!

Pairing & Mobbing

Perfect for collaboration across the office or around the globe. Supports multiple groups coding at the same time with a seamless flow for moving between groups.

Code Review

It’s simple to host a peer review, even if everyone uses different IDEs. The host maintains control, granting read-only access or letting others code too.

Project Design

Nowhere is team collaboration more important than in design. CodeTogether is great for designing the object model to start your project off right.

Unit Testing

A good test suite helps your team find bugs early. Remotely run unit tests and analyze results, launch apps, and view shared output and console windows. 

Ready to see how CodeTogether can benefit your team?

Set up your team in minutes to start your 30-day free trial.

Need to host behind the firewall? Get your free trial
Not ready to try with a team? Try on your own

Host a session in seconds

CodeTogether Teams is designed to make working in a team environment seamless. After adding CodeTogether Live to VS Code, IntelliJ or Eclipse, it only takes a few seconds to start a collaborative coding session. Team members join directly from their IDE (even if it’s different from the host’s) or a browser (using the theme and key bindings of their preferred IDE), with access to advanced team-only features like write-access terminals and shared servers. The host can also allow free guests to join the session and fine-tune access rights—perfect when team members need full access, but guests need to be in an observation-only mode. 

CodeTogether Teams: Hosting a session
CodeTogether Teams: Language Smarts

Host-provided language smarts

Team members and free guests all benefit from the host IDE’s language smarts, providing key functionality like content assist (aka IntelliSense) and as-you-type validation across the workspace, and rename refactoring. Host-provided smarts also allows you to easily navigate the code, with features like call and type hierarchies, open symbol, full file content searchOutline viewminimap, inline definitions and references to symbols, and much more.

Keep the code flowing

CodeTogether Live makes it easy to switch between groups of developers coding together, or even code on your own during a session. Same-file simultaneous editing lets developers edit files at the same time. With CodeTogether Teams, you can see all active remote sessions and online teammates in the CodeTogether view. From this one simple view, you can easily join a session, invite teammates to join, or ask teammates to host.

CodeTogether Teams UI

Godly good


It’s wonderful!!

working great

You rock!

the best I have ever seen

This is sick

Absolutely fantastic 

Thank you!

Awesome job guys!

Wow great 🙂


pretty slick

Our Customers Love CodeTogether

CodeTogether is a really brilliant solution for ensemble coding remotely. Especially since it integrates into different IDEs simultaneously. No more discussion on which IDE to use. Everyone uses their fav.

Astrid Sawatzky  Lead Developer, Thera-Pi

Between its editor-agnosticism and collaborative flexibility, CodeTogether now looks like the best option for many real-world teams.

Joel Falconer  Managing Editor, SitePoint

I just did a quick trial run of CodeTogether and I liked it. Used it with an Eclipse Java project, and really liked how easy it was to switch drivers and still communicate as the navigator with mouse selections.

Shane Currier  Software Developer, Phoenix Labs

My students have been using CodeTogether this semester to help work at a distance. They have uniformly and overwhelmingly enjoyed the experience. Many of them have Eclipse experience, and have reported being able to do significantly more together using your product than with Eclipse alone.

Jason Hemann Lecturer, Northeastern University

Very easy to use!

super impressed!

great tool



very useful!

very fun experience!!


just awesome, thx

Why didn’t I use it earlier?



It’s damn great

Integrated Communication

Built-in communication tools include audio, video, text chat and screen sharing. Anyone in the session can start an audio/video bridge via a simple toggle, which can easily be joined by anyone in the session. You can also invite guests who only have access to the communication tools and not the actual code—perfect for getting customer feedback. You can have up to 50 A/V only guests in addition to the 50 guests allowed on a Teams plan. A toolbar with basic capabilities is included in the IDE, however, the audio/video bridge is managed in your browser to keep your IDE uncluttered. Access cool features like polls and reactions from the browser.

CodeTogether Teams: : A/V
CodeTogether Teams: Shared Servers & Terminals

Shared servers, terminals & consoles

With CodeTogether Teams, hosts can share servers—great for testing web apps without deploying, or even relaying a remote debug session, database connections or web sockets. A shared terminal allows guests to observe commands the host is executing in the terminal view with the corresponding output. The host controls access to servers and terminals, with the option to grant team members write access to terminals. Another handy feature lets the host share consoles so participants can view the output of programs and unit tests.

Run Tests & Launches

A good test suite is a great way to catch bugs early and improve productivity. Guests can now remotely run tests and analyze the results. They can even write tests, allowing test-driven development (TDD) in a remote environment with support for JUnit, TestNG, PHPUnit and pytest. Guests can also execute run configurations from the host IDE, remotely launching applications with the ability to stop and monitor the invocations. CodeTogether Teams provides an extra level of security, allowing the host to prevent guests from running tests and launches. 

CodeTogether Teams: Run Tests

Want to see what has everyone talking?

Try it free for 30 days and your team will fall in love. Quick setup. No credit card required.

Need to host from your server? Get your free trial
Want to try it on your own? Get CodeTogether Free

End-to-end encryption

CodeTogether Live is designed to keep your code safe and secure by keeping the full source code on the host system and only relaying necessary information using end-to-end encryption. When you start a CodeTogether Live session, a unique key is generated for the session. This key is used for AES-GCM encryption at the host and all participants. Our servers never receive this key. The Edge backend server has the responsibility of routing requests between edge clients, using TLS 1.3/SHA256 encryption.

CodeTogether Teams: Security
CodeTogether On-Premises

Keep source behind the firewall

For organizations with strict security measures, we offer an on-premises version that allows you to roll out CodeTogether Live internally and keep your source 100% behind the firewall. The On-Premises version of CodeTogether Live is located on your server and does not connect to any external servers. Simple single server or redundant distributed multi-server configurations are available, and single sign-on (SSO) can be configured using standard OAuth providers. A metrics dashboard provides access to real time information and historical usage trends. If your team would like to try the on-premises version, please contact us to obtain your free trial license.

Want to be MVP of your development team?

Get CodeTogether Teams—real-time collaboration designed specifically for teams, with power features like write-access terminals and shared servers.

Set up your team to start your 30 day free trial now—quick setup & no credit card required!

Prefer on-premises? Get your free trial
No team? Try without a team

Questions? We’d love to help!


+1.844.735.1898 (US toll-free)