CodeTogether Live 2024.2: Empowering Collaboration and Stability

Janis Svensson

March 27, 2024

We’re excited to introduce the latest release of CodeTogether Live, version 2024.2, packed with powerful enhancements and critical fixes aimed at bolstering your collaborative coding experience. Let’s dive into the highlights of this release:

Enhanced Session Stability

We’ve implemented significant improvements to ensure seamless collaboration even in unstable session environments. With enhanced session stability across various IDE clients, you can code with confidence, knowing that CodeTogether has your back, providing reliable collaboration tools when you need them most.

VS Code Sync Issue Resolution

In this release, we’ve resolved critical issues affecting VS Code users, ensuring a smooth coding experience without the fear of getting into an out-of-sync state during code editing. Say goodbye to syncing headaches and hello to uninterrupted productivity.

VS Code Client Outline

We’ve listened to your feedback and resolved an issue with the symbol provider, fixing the VS Code outline in client sessions. Now, you can navigate your codebase with ease, thanks to improved symbol handling in CodeTogether Live.

Security Vulnerability Fixes

Security is our top priority. That’s why we’ve diligently patched identified security vulnerabilities across various components of CodeTogether Live, bolstering the overall security posture of our platform. Your data and code are safe with us.

OpenEdge ABL Support

Exciting news for OpenEdge ABL developers! We’ve added support for syntax coloring for the OpenEdge ABL language, enhancing your coding experience and making it easier to work with OpenEdge ABL projects within CodeTogether Live.

Migration from Gitter to GitHub

As part of our commitment to streamlined communication and community engagement, we’ve discontinued the use of Gitter and migrated our community to GitHub. Join us on GitHub for discussions, feedback, and collaboration opportunities.

From CodeTogether Live 2024.1

Building upon the foundation laid by our previous release, CodeTogether Live 2024.2 also incorporates fixes and enhancements from our 2024.1 release. These include:

  • CodeTogether Live Branding—CodeTogether extensions are now rebranded to CodeTogether Live alongside the introduction of CodeTogether HQ, offering streamlined DevOps operations.
  • New SaaS Infrastructure—A rebuilt SaaS infrastructure for 2024 provides enhanced scalability and reliability, offering lower latency sessions and stable regional URLs for simplified whitelisting.
  • IntelliJ Compatibility—Addresses API changes in the latest release of IntelliJ, ensuring a smooth collaborative experience with features like edit propagation and clear collaboration statuses.
  • Eclipse Compatibility—Resolves issues caused by API changes in the latest Eclipse release, including fixes for syntax coloring and other enhancements for a smoother editing experience.
  • General Fixes—This release includes a range of general fixes, such as optimizing memory usage and improving compatibility with older IDE versions, addressing reported issues.
  • Security Fixes—Updates third-party libraries to address detected security vulnerabilities, ensuring enhanced platform security for users.

Happy Coding!

Update to CodeTogether Live 2024.2 today and experience the future of collaborative coding. Whether you’re working with a distributed team or pair programming with a colleague, CodeTogether empowers you to code together, effortlessly.

To learn more about CodeTogether, read our documentation or check out our videos on YouTube.

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