CodeTogether 3.2—Shared Terminals are Here!

Brian Fernandes

January 28, 2021
Terminal sharing, richer syntax highlighting, and an improved user interface are all part of our first CodeTogether release this year.

Terminal Sharing

With this release, terminals opened on the host are automatically shared in the session, and they’re accessible by all participants. As a participant, you’ll see shared terminals wherever your IDE normally displays terminals, typically in its Terminal view. The CodeTogether view will also display a list of shared terminals—use this view to focus on your terminal, or stop sharing the terminal.

In this technology preview of the support, terminals are currently read-only for participants. Our next 3.3 release will include read-write support as well.

Better Editor Colors in Eclipse & IntelliJ

We’re constantly working on improving our IDE client experience to be as close to your local editing experience as possible. In this release, IntelliJ and Eclipse editors have richer colors that will more closely match those used in your IDE’s native editors.

New VS Code Client Features

If you’ve missed the workspace-wide file content search and quick open functionality when connecting to a session with VS Code, this release has you covered. Please enable the, “proposed API use” when CodeTogether asks for it, to enable not just these capabilities, but the Terminal support we discussed above as well. Until enabled, you will be asked about this every session.

Improved CodeTogether View

Our CodeTogether view has received a significant refresh and presents a clearer picture of what’s going on in the session. Moving between rooms, managing the session, opening files and terminals, etc., is now far more intuitive.

Key Fixes

  • When opening recently edited files in VS Code, you’ll now be taken to the location at which the change was made.
  • A bug that would cause the cursor to repeatedly jump to the start of a file in sessions with VS Code clients has been fixed.
  • When connected via an IntelliJ client, you will now see content assist suggestions as you type – you no longer need to manually invoke it, or wait for trigger characters.
  • Added syntax highlighting for .vue files.
  • A bug on Linux that prevented the session URL from being copied to the clipboard has been fixed.
  • In VS Code, a bug around proxy support could prevent you from joining sessions – as long as you have the right settings configured, you should now have no trouble.
Pair program from home. Even Bernie would approve.

What’s Next?

  • The next release will include read/write support for shared Terminals.
  • CodeTogether Teams support is in development, and will make it even easier to seamlessly collaborate with your colleagues.

Have a feature you’d like to see implemented in the near future? Consider creating an issue, or voting for an existing one to increase its priority. 

As always, thank you for the support and feedback, send us a shout on Twitter, or if you’d like to catch our team live, drop in on our CodeTogether Gitter community. If you like working with CodeTogether, please do us a favor and tell your friends and colleagues about us – thank you!

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